I have tried fasting in the past, but I tend to eat too much coming off a fasting or eat too much in the evening and it doesn't really help the "detox" part of fasting. I heard about this soup from a friend whose family had great success. I am anti-diet fads, but detoxing is a great way to flush out the impurities of eating even the least bit of processed food.
This detox does take away my favorite ingredients and that is cheese, but cheese is an over-processed and fat-heavy reason I need to detox. For the most part, the detox is vegetarian and since I don't eat steak anyway I have adjusted the detox for non-meat eaters.
I have also included ingredients that I like, but you can view the entire list of acceptable ingredients at the website
Sacred Heart Soup. After the first day's attempt, I needed to cut back on salt. This soup is surprisingly tasty.
Sacred Heart Soup
2 cans Hunt's roasted tomato soup (no seasoning)
1 can whole cut green beans, reduced sodium or salt-free
3 green onions, sliced
2-3 cups vegetable or beef broth (fat free and/or low sodium)
Nestle chicken noodle soup mix, extra noodles
4 stalks celery, chopped
4 carrot sticks, sliced
3 cups chopped kale or Japanese cabbage
1 tbsp soy sauce
black pepper
2 tbsp fresh Italian parsley, chopped
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
Spray soup pot with a little PAM. Saute green onions, celery and carrots. Cover with two cups broth. Beef broth offers more flavor to this soup, but I like it with vegetable broth as well. Add soup mix, cover pot and let simmer until vegetables are tender - 10 minutes. Add two cans tomatoes, with juice. Drain and rinse green beans - they tend to be canned with more salt. Add to soup. Add Worcestershire and soy sauce and black pepper and stir. Taste test for saltiness.
Add more broth if needed. Stir in kale or cabbage and parsley. TMI section: if you have never detoxed, it is not a pleasant week. You will detox from every place in your body, including your pores. I don't like cabbage anyway and I fear the consequences of using it in a detox soup. Kale is more nutritious and few side effects. Kale is very cheap and available this time of year.
This will make about six bowls of soup. I eat one for lunch and two at night, which takes out the soup in a day for two people. You can incorporate other foods during the week, but the schedule is strict. I have not been completely on target with the schedule, but this is what I do.
Day One: soup and fruit salad
Fruit Salad: tropical fruits are the mos nutritious and will provide the most beneficial calories
- fresh cut pineapple
- naval oranges
- kiwi
- mango
- strawberries
Day Two: soup and vegetable salad and baked potato
- bibb lettuce
- shredded carrot
- sliced cucumber
- sliced radishes
- chopped tomato
- one tsp olive oil and vinegar

Baked potato
- 2 russet potatoes
- 1/4 cup reduced-fat Greek yogurt
- 1 tsp dry ranch
- 1 head broccoli
Microwave potatoes for six minutes to soften. Bake at 400 degrees for 35 minutes. Mix ranch and yogurt and refrigerate. Meanwhile boil broccoli for 3-5 minutes or until bright green. Once potatoes are cool, cut and remove stuffing. Mix potato with yogurt ranch. I KNOW I am cheating by adding ranch, but I am not adding any cheese and yogurt is high in protein. Use a potato masher to mix. Stir in broccoli. Bake again for 10 minutes.
Day Three: soup and salad
Day Four: soup and bananas (at least three) and skim milk
For some reason I am not good about eating bananas raw. For a "dessert" I will slice two bananas and heat them in a skillet for a few minutes until soft but not gooey. Pour into a bowl and had a pinch of coarse salt. They are goooooood.
Day Five: This is the tough day because you are supposed to eat at least three steaks. I do not like steak. If you don't eat steak, then disregard this addition. If you do eat meat, here is what I suggest: beef tips from a reputable butcher. I don't recommend ground beef unless you ground your own because you don't know is going into it. I buy organic beef from a local farmer. I add the beef tips to my soup recipe on day five as well as an additional can of tomatoes. Double the amount of tomatoes on your salad also.
Eat fruit to fight off dessert cravings. Cherries are also a great way to detox this week.
Day Six: soup, salad and beef
Day Seven: add wild rice to soup mix or add cooked vegetables to brown or wild rice.
I lost four pounds, which isn't bad, even for Biggest Loser standards. It's not a noticeable difference for other people, but it taught me a good lesson - I don't need nearly as much food as I think I do. Other people I know have done this diet with great success. You can lose 10-17 pounds in one week depending on how strict you are to the schedule and how much you have to lose in the first place.
Shop of the perimeter of the grocery store. Travel down the aisles only for canned vegetables, juice and spices. The fewer processed foods you consume, the easier your body can handle them. I gulp down my food and don't pay attention to when I get full. I have since been more conscious of when I am full and stop eating immediately. It is just as wasteful to eat food your body doesn't need than it is to throw out food you don't eat.
Good luck and please post success stories if you have them. You will get tired of the soup by day five but if you can make it to day seven you will feel a great sense of accomplishment.